“Successes in immunotherapy today, tell us that the power to overcome incurable illness may well be locked inside each of us”

This week I started to read a new book, CURED, by Dr. JEFF REDIGER.

The book for the most part sets out Dr Redigers experience in the medical world over many years, and in particular his own experience of dealing with patients who have suffered from cancer, diabetes, auto immune disease and many other ailments.

In short, Dr Rediger shares his experiences and insights on healing, and how we all have the power to heal ourselves.

Dr Mark Hyman describes the book as a rare glimpse into the mysteries of human health and disease. He asks why do some people with incurable disease, suddenly heal?

In an era of incurable chronic disease, causing 60% of all deaths world wide, Hyman describes this book and the thinking and personal experiences of Dr Rediger as a way out.

I think this book is compulsory reading for everyone, and in particular the cohort of people who are fighting disease and have been conditioned by society to believe, that you will never get better.

16 years

I have been fighting a good fight myself now for over 16 years.

In 2007, following a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, I became part of a system, that in my view and on reflection, is designed to fail.

Society these days is deterimined to put each of us in a box, and as soon as possible.

For me it was the MS box, which means you are immediately placed under the care of a health system, which is designed to help you manage your incurable disease (very badly in my view).

I remember sitting in a neurologists office in 2007 - “Conor you have MS, and you will have it for the rest of your life. For most people this is a progressive condition and you will now be on medication for the rest of your life”.

I listened intently to my medical team for years, and through the passing of time, I now recognise the shortcomings in the conventional way society tries to manage disease.

For the last six years I have stepped out of my MS Box, and actually have thrown it in the bin.

I have decided to not let any illness define me, and to only focus on healing and repairing the damage caused by my own central nervous sysyem.

I have also decided to take back control of the reigns, from my conventional medical team, who I believe have failed me.

It’s not the individual doctors and nurses I have a gripe with, it’s the system they work in.

Let me explain.

The healthcare sector, which I refer to as the sickcare sector, is built around disease management.

In my case there was little emphasis, focus or chat around how my body might be able to heal and repair over the course of time.

I was constantly conditioned to believe that the disease modifying therapies were the only show in town, and that I needed to keep taking the drugs, as I was living with a progressive condition.

Around about 2010, I was starting to feel that things weren't right. I was finding more people who were approaching disease management differently, and appeared to be experiencing incredible outcomes. Outcomes similar to what Dr Rediger describes in his book.

I found myself starting to study human physiology and on that journey began to become much more aware of the importance of cell health.

The more I read and studied, the more I felt within my gut, there had to be a better way.

I then started to question my medical team around the importance of my environment in terms of the best way I could manage disease, and actually start to feel better.

When I talk about environment i’m really talking about the food I was eating, drinking, my exercise regime, how I think and interact with people, my relationships and my sleep.

These conversations typically lasted a couple of minutes, and in some instances were shot down, which I always found pretty deflating and somewhat bizarre to be frank.

Anyhow, through an unbreakable desire to get better, I decided around 2012, to try and map my own pathway back to health and fullfillment, outside of the system.

Ten years later, my actions and plans have been fully validated,as my health and wellbeing has been transformed.

I am off all drugs now over six years, living a lifstyle that puts my health plan front and centre of everything I do.

Over the years I have came across, spoken to, and studied the work of a new breed of medical professionals who are changing the way we all THINK about disease management.

People like Dr Terry Wahls, Dr Colin Campbell, Dr Esseltyn Caldwell, Dr Gemma Newman, Dr Shireen Kassam and many more, who have all helped me develop the confidence, to make huge changes in how I live my life and transition to a new way of managing my wellbeing.

These trailblazing doctors, and I can now add Dr Rediger to my list, are all writing about this regularly and discussing the scientific evidence openly, which for the most part is designed to encourage people to take back control of their health outcomes, by changing their lifestyles.

Illness sucks. It’s incredibly lonely at times to be sick, not feeling your best, your mental health shot to pieces, that permanent feeling of sadness and hopelessness.

It's not good.

However the really great news, and in the times we are currently living in, is that we now have so many resources and examples of people who have achieved incredible results through a more unconventional approach.

People who have been able to overcome their illness and experienced incredible healing in their own body, regardless of that box they were put in by a system that is designed to fail.

So my recommendation for anyone interested in this topic, is to go on your own journey of healing and recovery.

Keep finding people who are winning at this, who are walking the talk.

Have a look at how they are living their lives, and how they have been able to achieve incredible results.

All of these people leave clues everywhere, and all you then have to do is to figure out what way you want to move forward.

I wish you well.

CD ☘️

Cavehill, Belfast Sept 2022


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